Thursday, August 15, 2013

Life and Death

What a whirl-wind the past two months have been! I'm finally getting around to writing a post and have a lot to share so I'll be posting three different entries today.

In June, my husband's father was admitted to the hospital with jaundice. He was seemingly in perfect health leading up to this time and it was a surprise to us all that he kept spiraling down hill, day after day. Many health complications ensued after his admittance and three weeks later, he passed away. He was the center of our immediate family, our constant helper, a fabulous grandpa and to lose him was a tragedy. His passing has reminded us that life is fleeting, that we have no control over when our time is done and that we shouldn't procrastinate when it comes to those we love. We also realize that the need to share Christ's love with those around us is pressing. We should use every opportunity we are given to tell of His saving grace. That was an important lesson for us. Three weeks after his death we are still working on healing and I think it will be a long time before we are completely healed but it will be a lifetime that we remember him and the impact he had on his family.

 Death is inevitable but we also have the hope that a new life brings. Exactly two weeks after the passing of my father-in-law we joyfully celebrated the arrival of our sweet baby girl, Johanna Liberty. Her birth was a much needed lifting of our hearts. The arrival of this sweet innocent baby was a reminder that although we have sorrow here on Earth, we are also given great hope! Sadly, she will never know her grandfather but we will always tell her stories of what a great man he was and how we cherished him.

In my next post, I'll be sharing the story of her birth.

Until next time, may Christ's love and blessings be upon you and yours.

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