Friday, January 11, 2013

Meditating on God's Word

We're eleven days into this new year and for my "resolution" (ok not really a resolution as much as a commitment to myself and God) is to read the bible front to back. I've been a Christian for 15 years and have never once done this. Sad, I know! I've read the entire New Testament and bits and pieces and parts and verses of the Old. I have so far thoroughly enjoyed it! I am learning so much and figuring out how things connect. God has really opened my mind and heart to receive His teachings during this time. It has kept me connected with Him and helps me re-center on Christ and not the busyness of life. On Facebook there is a group of ladies who are also reading through the Bible this year and they have been such an inspiration and motivation to me. As well as showing me the many perspectives from which God can teach! I am looking forward to diving deeper and deeper into God's living word and being drawn to Him through my learning. Did any of you ladies make a New Year's resolution or other commitment? And also have any of you read the Bible front to back and if so, what was your experience like? I hope you are all having a blessed year!

Until next time, may Christ's love and blessings be upon you and yours.